'devotions' Tagged Posts

'devotions' Tagged Posts

Tender Hearted

The miracle and becoming tender hearted The disciples had been out with Jesus and had seen the miracle of feeding thousands of people with five loaves and two fish.  After everyone had eaten they gathered up twelve baskets of left overs.   Jesus then told them to get into the boat and go ahead of him towards the other side of the lake.  As night fell Jesus was still on land and the disciples were out on the lake and having…


Have you ever been drenched? Drenched right through every layer of clothing? Recently I was out walking and got caught in torrential rain. I kept trying to pull my hood tighter around my face as I could feel the water getting in and running down my body. My jacket was failing to protect me. As I reluctantly squelched along, out the corner of my hood I saw a lady walking past me. She looked like she was enjoying herself, she had stripped off her wet jacket and had tied…