We’d love to welcome your child to our Anchor Kids programme. It is for all kids aged from 3 years old up to the end of year 8 (approx. 12 years old). It runs from 10 – 11.30 am each Sunday during term time.
We begin each Sunday morning up in the chapel as a part of our wider Anchor Family. We know how important it is for us all to be in relationship together regardless of our age. After a time together we continue Anchor Kids downstairs in the gym.
Our Anchor Kids time is spent sharing together, learning from one another, having fun together, playing games and making crafts. We share morning tea (water and a biscuit usually) and pray for each other.
The Anchor Kids team are committed to teaching kids about Jesus in a safe, creative and relevant way.
If you would like to stay and be a part of what we do with your children you are most welcome to do so, or please feel free to stay in our church service upstairs.
If you would like more information, you can email us at kids@theanchorchurch.org.nz

There is also a crèche available for families with young children aged from 0-3. This runs during the church service.
Please feel free to contact us on office@thanchorchurch.org.nz or by phone on 04 234 1390 if you have any questions about how we can serve your family.