Messages and Live Links
Here is where you can listen to and watch the messages that have been presented on Sunday services and on a few other occasions. We post our live feeds here too, if you are linking into our services online. The Live Stream is below and also directly on Youtube and also linked from our facebook page. They remain on line if you want to watch them later and you can refresh your browser at any time. You can go back…
Want to Explore Christianity
What’s it about? Why are we here? Is there a God? What is life about? These are questions people often ask themselves as they journey through life. If you have questions like these, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss them, acknowledging that they are serious questions and helping look at these from a biblical perspective. Christianity Explored gives you time to think about the big questions of life, and to explore the life of the person at the heart…
Want To Grow As a Christian
Discipleship Explored is a series that plays an important part in developing an understanding what it means to be a follower and ambassador of Jesus Christ. The Christian faith centres on following Jesus Christ, which could lead to the question – what does that look like? The Anchor Church has a vision to help people navigate their Christian faith through to maturity. This series has been designed to give the time and space to think about what it really means…
Divorce Care
Divorce Care Course We offer a 13 week support and practical course for adults dealing with separation and divorce. This provides a safe, caring, trusting, open and supportive environment where you can share and move forward finding help, hope and healing in what is often a very difficult and challenging time. Together we address a variety of topics like, what’s happening to me, finding comfort, facing anger, depression, loneliness, child care, financial survival, forgiveness, reconciliation and more; with all…
Winter Bible School
In the last few years we have held mid year in-depth training sessions. Study notes and videos from these series can be found here In 2023 -We had Charlie Bing, Geoff Smith and Graham Blaikie teaching on – What’s so amazing about grace; Bibliology (Part 2) and Wisdom Literature Part I – Psalms: Songs of the Saviour & Sinners. In 2022 – Brad Carr and Geoff Smith spoke on the Divided Kingdom – teaching from I and II Kings and also…
Other Good Resources
The Story of the Bible Here are some great resources to help learn about God’s story. Bible Apps – you can try Faithlife or YouVersion both are great tools to help make the Bible accessible for you. They both provides apps that help keep the Bible at your finger tips, they have reading plans and both allow you to share your thoughts and progress with your friends. The Long Story Short simply strips the story of the Bible and God back to…
Budgeting Advice
Agape Budgeting Services We know that managing your money can be difficult at times and for lots of reasons. Perhaps it is debt, needing to save or simply your money just doesn’t seem to go far enough The Agape Budgeting Service may be able to help you sort out your money. They do not take control of your money but will work along side you to take a fresh and detailed approach to managing you finances.. Their free service is…