Our Vision our Future

Our Vision our Future

“Together transforming people into devoted, passionate ambassadors for Christ.”

Our mission statement has given us focus since it was written in 2006.

More recently (2020 – 2023) we felt God’s leading to look to the future and develop a more in-depth vision of where we felt God was taking us in the next twenty years.

Our description of this vision started like this….

“We have a great treasure; it is the hope we have in Jesus. We are going to be courageous and intentional in sharing this treasure with everyone around us. On our doorstep, we see growing numbers of people who are lost, lonely, hurting and anxious. These people are our whānau, our friends, our neighbours and our workmates. We are going to show them what it means to be part of God’s family.”

We identified values, strategies and measures that expressed who we are and steps we would take to achieve our vision.

For full details of our 20-year vision and our steps to achieving it, do get a copy of the vision brochure that is available in the church foyer.

Our vision sits alongside our beliefs and practices and is the heartbeat of what we do.