

Whitby Mens Breakfast

Arthur Shew is speaking on Agape Budgeting Services and Financial Literacy Agape Budget Advisors help people get over their personal financial problems. They work with clients on short term basis (weeks), or long term over many years. Preparing a budget is just the first step in helping clients get out of their financial problems. The challenge of Budget Advisors is motivating people to make changes. Financial Literacy becomes an integral part of showing them how to manage their money wisely…

Mens Movie Night this weekend

The Fireproof Movie We warmly invite you to join us  for on Sat 11th Aug at 6.30pm, for an evening movie, Fireproof. A movie that has had millions of all ages laughing and crying as they were inspired by this story of perseverance and commitment.  This movie is about life, in particular, life we as men can influence. It is about the highs and the lows we may all encounter at some stage in our relationships with those we care most…

Open to All Drivers

Open to All Drivers When – Saturday 7th July 8:30am Whitby Men’s Breakfast At The North Porirua Baptist Church Guest Speaker: Glenn Marshall – Police Serious Crash Unit Drivers you really need to get along and listen to this.  Glenn will be talking on some of the things he has seen on the job and talking about the cause of some of the incidents he attends. There will be a presentation showing some of the vehicles which may be graphic. This…
Mens Event

All blokes welcome

Mens event All Blokes Welcome. A mens event! Time talking about life and faith, things that matter, with a bit of music and food.  Mike Tana is going to talk about his own story and how life works for him.  A few other guys will share a bit of what’s going on with them as well.  We might all learn something useful or at least have a good night out. You don’t have to be a church goer or have your…
Pauatahanui cemetery

Men required – repairing graves at Pauatahanui Cemetery

Mens Breakfast Time: 8:30 am May 6th at Pauatahanui One of our local projects is to do repair work on the graves at the historic Pauatahanui cemetery.  A good morning’s work to chip in with the community to look after our local area.  Concrete and breakfast are provided (gold coin donation).  Wheel barrows and shovels are handy to bring along. Some history for you! Thomas Hollis Stace originally donated the land to build a small Protestant chapel and establish a…

Men’s breakfast April 1

You are welcome to come and hear Peter Carrington, founder and director of Cross Roads Trust and the Te Nikau Training Centre. Saturday 1st April 8:30am at The Anchor Church.  Gold coin donation – breakfast provided. Cross Roads Christian Community Trust Inc. was established in December 1992 to: Foster the rehabilitation of people affected by addictions, dependency, and co-dependency. Provide counselling assistance to those in need, for whatever reason, and in whatever area of life. Demonstrate Christian concern for the…

Mens Breakfast – November

Whitby Mens Breakfast Saturday 5th November 8:30am at St. Mary’s Church At the mens breakfast in November, Neil will be reporting back on the Habitat for Humanity trip to Samoa.  They are building new hurricane safe homes – like this style which is category 5 hurricane safe. The aim is to build 6 of these in two weeks and the target is to have 100 homes up to this standard in the islands by Christmas this year. Bacon, Sausages, Hash Browns,…