Where We Live

Where We Live

Our church community is wide and reaches many local communities – from the Wairarapa, Hutt Valley, Horowhenua, Kapiti, Wellington and Porirua. Many of us live and are part of the Porirua community, a city of close to 52,000 people just to the north of Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand.

As a city, there is rich and diverse mix of people, there is less people of European origin and more Maori and Pacific people than other parts of New Zealand.  About 50 percent of the population state that they are Christian and this has dropped from 60 percent in 2001. The city is divided on lines of deprivation, with clusters of low socioeconomic conditions in some areas and much higher conditions in other areas.

All of this mix, represents challenges to our church, to remain relevant and connected within a rich cultural and ethnic community, and also to meet people wherever they are at – whether they are struggling with life in a high pressure, double income, highly leveraged professional life or whether they are struggling to get ahead when life is tough just to put a meal on the table every week.

We believe that Jesus and the gospel bridges socioeconomic and cultural divides, restores, brings dignity and brings freedom for all people.



We believe that everyone has a role and is an important part of our church community.  


You could join a community group, join a study group doing Christianity Explored or Discipleship Explored to learn about the Christian faith.  You can get involved in hospitality and get alongside someone to encourage and support them.

We have junior and college aged youth programmes, young adults and adult programmes.  As about half of our city do not have a faith or strong church connection there are many opportunities to build relationships and share our faith with them.


There are many roles in on our Sunday Services teams, whether that is welcoming people, serving tea or coffee, being on the music team, making sure the technology works, or volunteering with our kids programmes.


We believe we are called to serve our local community.  If you have a passion for this we have a variety of well-established programmes you can join. Team members are often required for Mainly Music providing a programme for preschoolers and their families, you can volunteer for the annual Holiday Programme, or help with our courses. You may have your own ideas of how to do this – we would love to hear from you.


Be part of the team that supports our partners around the world – these are our strategic partners who are serving their local communities.  They live and work in very different cultural contexts to us, often dealing with the issues of justice and mercy.

Sometimes we visit our partners learning what it means to be a Christian in a different situation to us.  See our world first hand from a different perspective and learn how our partners are actively living their faith in their communities. There is so much to learn here.