Mainly Music

Mainly Music

Mainly musicmainly music at The Anchor Church

mainly music is one of our well established programmes. We have been running for years after a small group of people saw the potential to offer something different to the community of young parents in Whitby.

Started in 1990, mainly music is a fun music group for parents or primary care givers to enjoy together with their young child. Throughout the session, children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, imagination, mathematical and pre-reading skills as well as socialize with others. Each mainly music is associated with and is run by volunteers from a local church like ours. Children are introduced to music, creativity and more.  Through mainly music we also give families an opportunity to think and engage with the God-part of life. Some families have also taken up opportunities to learn more through one of our small group studies like Christianity Explored.  Amazing to think that all this can be achieved in a loving, shared family environment.

mainly music involves a 30-minute session of music, movement, rhymes and actions for preschoolers and their parents/caregivers. Children (and parents or caregivers) are encouraged to enter fully into the actions and singing and the children are also invited to help the leaders out with actions or other special responsibilities.  It is also a great opportunity for Mums with babies to spend special one on one time with their babies. After the music session the team will serve you and the children morning tea. When the children have finished they can play with the toys while you can have some adult conversation.

We love celebrating Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Easter and Christmas at special sessions, as well as having the occasional Theme Day.

If you have a little person in your home aged 0 – 4 yrs, and are looking to develop new relationships with other parents or caregivers in the area, mainly music is a safe and fun way to do so.

Where  : The Anchor Church, 1 Joseph Banks Dr, Whitby

When :  Wednesdays during school terms   9.30 – 10.30 am

AND:     Thursdays during school terms 9.30 – 10.30 am

These groups are popular but numbers fluctuate as kids move through to kindy and school. Do get in touch so we can register you or if numbers are tight we can put you on a wait list for next term. Do ask to join our facebook group where we post resources and updates

Do feel free to pop in and see us, or contact us (below) for more information or if you are interested in joining us and we will get back to you to answer your query.

Cost :  $5 per family per session.

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