'youth' Tagged Posts
Anchor Youth Term 3!
What’s on this term Anchor Youth Term 3 Planner. Come along, invite your friends, all high school students are very welcome. You can just rock up and join in. If you need more information email us at youth@theanchorchurch.org.nz or hop onto our anchoryouth facebook page. Year 7 – 8 kids We also run a programme for Yr 7 – 8 kids called Generation. It is on Monday nights during Term time – you can get more information on that here.…
Youth Programmes are back – Term 2
Youth Programmes are back Term 2 is here! This is our plan for our youth programmes, we are super excited to see you all again. Anchor Youth – Friday nights for college aged youth and Generation for Years 7 & 8 on Monday nights’ Everyone is welcome!
For all year 6’s
All Year 6’s – you are welcome to join some of our GENERATION nights this term!:) Generation is our Yrs 7 – 8 youth programme that runs every Monday evening during term time. Generation runs from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Our Generation volunteers run an action packed programme that includes games, crafts, movies and much more. These activities are done alongside life lessons from the Bible. On occasions they go offsite to do activities and also host family nights to connect…
Youth Camp 2015
Youth Camp We are heading to FOREST LAKES. Sign up for a weekend of shenanigans, fun, growing and sharing. It is a chance for us to get to know each other better and to get to know Jesus better. We will have special guests, exciting activities and more. Arrive from 3pm Friday 2 October. (Official programme starts at 6pm with dinner) Ending 2pm Sunday 4 October. The cost per person for the weekend is $150. This covers room, meals,…