'Advent' Tagged Posts

'Advent' Tagged Posts

Advent 4 – Joy

As Jesus Christ our Messiah and King came into the world in a lowly manger, the angels announced the good news that a Savior has been born. Proclaim the Joy that Christ brings during the Christmas season or any time of the year. Rediscover the joy of the miraculous virgin birth and the prophecy fulfilled in scripture.

Advent 3 – Love

 Jesus is the true Shepherd who searches out and finds his sheep among the scattered flock. His sheep know him, and they follow his voice. We remember that our Savior is our Shepherd of Love during the Christmas season or any time of the year. Jesus Christ died on the cross and his substitutionary death brings the abundance of life to mankind.

Advent 2 – Peace

Though the town of Bethlehem was small in size, out of it would come the Ruler who would reign as King of Kings and redeem us from our sin.  Reflect on the Peace that Christ our Lord brings this Christmas season or any time of the year and the miracle of the virgin birth that gave us the Messiah Jesus. His death on the cross has brought peace and reconciliation to mankind.

Hope – Advent 1

For 400 years, Israel had waited and hoped for the promised Messiah. The prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled in that a virgin would bear a son and His name would be called, Emmanuel, “God with us.” Christmas demonstrates our Hope in Christ and recounts the journey of Mary as she discovers her role in humanity with the miracle of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ