Wondering about Easter

Wondering about Easter

Wondering about Easter? Why is it important or even relevant today?

We would love to welcome you to these two special occasions as we explore God’s grace and love.
Friday 9am 30th March and Sunday 10am April 1st
Family Easter Trail
On Friday from 2 – 4pm there will also be a Family Easter Trail. Starting at The Anchor Church, on to St Mary’s and finishing at North Porirua Baptist Church. Spot prizes for dressing up, easter eggs, activities and afternoon tea at the end of the trail.
Shared Lunch
There is a shared community lunch on Sunday as well, which will be at 11:30 at North Porirua Baptist Church – we would love you to stay on and join us there as well for a BBQ and some good food.
 Taking it further
Do you need to talk more – register for Christianity Explored
This is a short discussion based course that lets you explore the basis of the Christian faith.