Posts from January 2016

Posts from January 2016


The Priority of Relationships

“You must love each other just as I have loved you. If you love each other everyone will know that you are my disciples” John 13 v 34-35 One of the key things we know about God is that he is deeply relational. We see it in the relationships of the Godhead. We see it in his sacrificial love for us and we see it in his calling us to love each other. We were created in God’s image and…
Men's Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast Join us for breakfast – 6 February 8:30am at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. The guest Speaker is Chris Kemp, Peter Jackson’s personal pilot.  Come and listen to some of Chris’s stories and experiences. Gold coin donation. The breakfast is the good wholesome fare of sausages, bacon, eggs, beans, toast & hash browns. You could try the healthy option of cereal and fruit, Really, you can!! Do bring a friend.  A men’s devotion will be given prior to Chris’s presentation. The next Men’s Breakfast on the 5th…
summer services

Summer Services and kicking off 2016

Everyone is welcome every Sunday at 10am and nightchurch is starting 6:30pm on January 24th (and now every second Sunday).  In January a number of our other programmes (AnchorKids and Youth programmes) take a break for the summer holidays but will be returning in early February. A few things coming up include.. Festival One—29 Jan to 1 Feb. Anchor Youth will be heading to Festival One next January and it’s not too late to join us. Go to this website and…